
A Weekend House Cleaning Checklist: Get More Done in Less Time

2023-02-17T16:46:13-06:00February 17th, 2023|

It's scary to think how many various bacteria and viruses can appear in your home. This is why you need to deep clean your home at least two times a year.  To lessen your burden and risk of illnesses, you have to organize what needs cleaning every weekend. Cleaning a home can take a long [...]

4 Great Advantages of Using Green Cleaning Products in Your Home

2023-02-17T16:45:04-06:00February 17th, 2023|

Through consumption behavior,  households make up 72% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. To help decrease this number, we should start using green cleaning products! Most household cleaners you use can leave behind a chemical residue. Moreover, this residue can come in contact with food, clothes, pets, and your skin. Whether you do the cleaning yourself or [...]

How to Dust (Properly): 10 Must Know Tips for Tackling a Dusty Home

2023-02-10T18:58:42-06:00February 10th, 2023|

Do you wish your home was cleaner? If so, you're not alone. Most people have very busy lives, making it difficult to find the time or energy to clean properly after work. That's why it's important to understand a few tips that will make home cleaning a bit less exhausting when you'd rather be doing [...]

The Absolute Best (And Easiest) Way to Clean a Tub

2023-03-29T08:21:23-05:00February 10th, 2023|

The average American spends at least 416 days of their life in the bathroom. It's meant to be a sanctuary, but it doesn't always get the cleaning attention it deserves. Only 38% of homeowners clean it at least once a week. Having to clean a toilet is the most dreaded of all household tasks, right along with [...]

A Quick Guide to Proper Refrigerator Cleaning

2023-01-12T12:20:44-06:00January 25th, 2023|

How often are you cleaning your refrigerator? This question is important to ask as your life gets busier. Your fridge is a staple of the kitchen, relying on it to keep food fresh and free from contaminants that spoil food. Exposure to heat, light and fluctuating oxygen levels increases the risk of spoilage bacteria. Common [...]

How Often Should You Deep Clean Your Home?

2023-01-12T12:18:13-06:00January 18th, 2023|

Keeping a clean home has numerous health benefits! It lowers your stress and helps keep you productive. It also reduces the risk of illness. But, have you ever wondered how often you should be cleaning? When do you need to perform a deep clean? Deep cleaning isn't relegated to once a year. Some places in your home deserve [...]

3 Amazing Benefits of Hiring Professional Cleaners for Your Home

2023-02-22T08:23:44-06:00January 11th, 2023|

The home cleaning industry has been around forever, but it is reaching new heights. By 2025, experts expect the home cleaning market to reach a value of about $40 billion! The size of this industry is a testament to how much value people get out of hiring professional cleaners. If you have ever hired professional [...]

The Mental Health Benefits of a Clean Home

2023-03-22T10:52:52-05:00January 11th, 2023|

Did you know that one in for US adults struggles with a mental health disorder? While that is a large number, there are many things that you can do on a daily basis that bring you mental health benefits. Having a clean home is one thing that can actually bring benefits to your emotional wellness and [...]

How to Easily Clean a Microwave: 4 Hacks That Work

2022-12-21T20:15:35-06:00December 26th, 2022|

Think your microwave is clean? Unfortunately, both E.coli and Salmonella can live inside a microwave, so not keeping this go-to appliance sanitary can make you sick. Hidden bacteria lurk in leftover spots and stains, which can contaminate food. Many people find scrubbing the microwave is one of their least favorite chores and put it off. However, it's easier than [...]

3 Hot Oven Cleaning Hacks

2022-12-20T16:10:23-06:00December 20th, 2022|

Exposure to the chemicals in oven cleaners can cause poisoning, which may be fatal. If you want to protect your family from harsh cleaners, there are several ways to get a sparkling oven without them. Keep reading for three oven cleaning hacks that will leave your oven looking like new! 1. Self-Cleaning Hack The self-cleaning [...]

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