marie kondo tips

5 Lessons Learned About Organization from Marie Kondo

marie kondo tips

Marie Kondo is taking the home organization world by storm.

As an established author and star of her own show on Netflix, Maire Kondo is quickly becoming a household name.

Following a few Marie Kondo tips can go a long way in decluttering our homes. And let’s face it, most homes could probably use it!

Marie Kondo Tips to Follow

Marie Kondo has a very specific methodology for organizing homes and clearing out clutter. It’s what sets her apart from the rest and makes her an icon.

Marie Kondo tips are showing people they don’t need to live in a messy, chaotic home. She understands how clutter actually causes anxiety.

We can learn a thing or two from her!

1. Start From Scratch

One of the hardest Marie Kondo tips to digest is the recommendation of starting from scratch.

When looking at a closet full of clothes, it’s hard to differentiate between clothes to keep and clothes to ditch. Pull everything out of your closet. Everything.

As you’re organizing and hanging all your clothes back up, start purging items you don’t love!

2. Place Everything Upright in Drawers

Marie Kondo has very unique clothes folding and storing techniques. Instead of the traditional stacking of shirts, pants, underwear, etc., place folded clothes in the drawer side by side.

For example, looking down on a drawer of folder shirts should look similar to looking at a bookcase. All you should see are the spines of the books.

Using this Marie Kondo tip will allow you to store more in each drawer, take an immediate inventory of what you have, and make it easier to stay organized!

3. Begin Organizing Categories

One of the most popular Marie Kondo tips is organizing based on categories, rather than rooms.

Her idea is based on taking inventory of everything you have in each category. Her five major categories are clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous, and mementos.

By taking inventory of everything in each category, you have a better idea of what you can get rid of and what you don’t need to buy more of, such as red shirts or dish towels.

4. If It Doesn’t Bring Joy, It Doesn’t Belong

The most helpful Marie Kondo tip when clearing out your home is the idea that everything you own should bring you joy. If it doesn’t, get rid of it.

This is incredibly helpful when trying to get rid of excess clothes. We all look at items we never wear and think “one day I will need this.” Unfortunately, “one day” generally never comes and we just hold on to tons of clothes we don’t wear.

If any items are unused or don’t bring you joy, they need to go.

5. Everything Needs a Home

Marie Kondo recommends giving every item in your home a dedicated space. Everything you own needs to have a home of their own within your house.

This tip helps keep you organized, clean, and clutter free. If you discipline yourself and your kids to put things back where they belong, your home maintains the neat and clean feel everyone desires!

Spring Cleaning

We all love to watch the winter fade away into spring. The days are longer and warmer and you can finally get back outside.

Spring is also a time of refreshing your home. Use these spring cleaning hacks along with Marie Kondo tips to totally transform your home!

For more cleaning tips, check out this page!

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