How to Improve Indoor Air Quality: A Homeowner’s Guide
You may not always notice the air quality in your home, but your lungs certainly do.
Particles like dust, animal dander, lint, and mold can sit in uncleaned corners of your home and cause a serious decrease in the quality of air.
If you or someone in your household has allergies to any of these contaminants, the problem will be much more apparent. However, even without allergies, you’ll want to learn how to improve indoor air quality.
The solutions may not be as complicated as you might think. Keep reading for a few of the ways you can improve your home’s air quality.
Humidity Control
Controlling the humidity in your home becomes especially important as spring and summer roll around. As the humidity outside increases, potential mold growth also becomes more pertinent.
When there are spots of mold growing in your home, you are more likely to feel the resulting reduction in air quality.
Prevent unnecessary mold from growing by maintaining the humidity levels. You can even use a few portable dehumidifiers to help with the issue.
Kitchen Ventilation
When you’re cooking, and even when you’re eating, keep the air in your kitchen flowing.
You can turn the range hood on when you begin preparing the meal. Wait to turn it off until you start the cleanup process.
Even opening a window can help circulate some fresh air throughout your home. A simple air purifier can also be beneficial in this capacity.
Routine House Cleaning
Dust, lint, and pet dander can bury themselves in your carpets and furniture. If they’re left to collect there, the indoor air quality will be negatively affected.
Create a cleaning schedule so that you are reminded to vacuum and mop your home on a regular basis. Don’t forget to use the vacuum on your upholstered furniture and curtains, too.
If you’re looking for a bit of assistance when it comes to cleaning, you can check out these tips for cleaning big furniture in your home. Or, you can consider hiring a cleaning service to help out when you don’t have the time.
Plants Help Contaminants
While not all plants are master decontaminators for inside the home, there are a few that can pull some nasty particles out of the air and improve your air quality.
Look to species like ferns or lilies to help improve air quality in a home. From palm plants and ivy to flowers and fruit-bearing plants, there are lots of options to explore.
Find a few plants that draw your fancy, and let them clean the air in your home.
How to Improve Indoor Air Quality
You may not always be able to notice decreased air quality throughout your house, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t affecting your health and well-being.
Learning how to improve indoor air quality through these small steps can also elevate your family’s quality of life. Don’t put it off until there’s actually a serious problem to be dealt with.
For more great cleaning tips and advice, head over to our page and check out the wide range of services that can help you live a cleaner life.
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