Keeping Your Home Safe From Covid-19

Influenza and the COVID-19 Viruses: What We Are Doing to Keep You Safe

As details of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) unfold I wanted to take a few moments to let you know what we are doing to keep you and your home safe. Like you, we are diligently monitoring the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as well as the World Health Organization (WHO) for updates and any changes that might affect the way we serve you and your family.

Currently, exposure to the virus in our local area has been extremely limited, so I feel this is the perfect time to plan and prepare in case we do eventually see this in our communities. Since we work in many elderly customers homes during the months where we have the seasonal flu, we already undergo many of the precautions that the CDC recommends people take with the COVID-19. We typically take the following precautions in our normal course of business:

  • We do not reuse cleaning towels from one house to another. Each team member is supplied with adequate towels every day to clean their assigned homes. In addition, towels from one room are never reused in another room even within the same home to prevent cross contamination. Our cleaning towels are washed daily using a methodology to ensure they are bacteria free when they arrive in your home.
  • We do not carry toilet brushes from home to home ( a common industry practice) Each toilet is scrubbed using a disposable toilet scrub pad, disposable gloves and special germicidal cleaners. ·
  • We use color coded sponges and crevice brushes to prevent cross contamination between bathroom and kitchen surfaces.
  • All light switch plates, door knobs and handles and “high touch” surfaces are being wiped with a sanitizing agent (Lysol Brand Clean and Fresh Multi Surface Cleaner). This product is on the approved list of cleaning agents distributed by the EPA for effective disinfection against CoronaVirus.

Lemon Blossom Cleaning Services | McKinney, TexasWe have also added these extra precautions and will continue to do so for as long as there is a risk of viral transmission (influenza or otherwise).

  • Daily morning meetings with our staff emphasizing the need and ways to minimize viral transmission
  • Daily check in to ensure all team members are well and healthy. The staff have been instructed that they are not to report to work if they are showing any symptoms of the flu or COVID-19. They are to seek medical care and remain at home to rest and heal. Employees earn paid time off for instances such as these and we have arranged for medical care through a local clinic in the event any of our staff does not have the resources to receive medical help. We ask for your help in keeping our staff and community healthy. If you or anyone in your household has been exposed to or is showing symptoms of the virus, please cancel your appointment.
  • Cleaning technicians and field supervisors are to immediately wash their hands upon arrival at your home, prior to exiting your home and they are to use hand sanitizer frequently while cleaning.

We recognize the important role that we fill in keeping your home clean and sanitized. If you would like to add additional cleanings just let us know and we will make room on our schedules for you. We are absolutely committed to keeping our clients and our employees, safe and healthy. Thank you for trusting us with your care. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call at 469-617-7676.

Best Regards,

Bobbi Taylor, Owner

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