deep cleaning

5 Neglected Areas in Your Home That Need a Deep Cleaning

deep cleaning

Cleaning is something a lot of people don’t like doing. Deep cleaning your home can seem like an almost impossible task.

If you’re thinking about all those hard to reach spots and wondering just how to get them scrubbed out, check this list out! We have a few tips and tricks we think you’ll like.

1. Fridge

Cleaning the fridge can be a major pain. Sometimes it feels like the uneaten leftovers take on a life and personality of their own, the longer it goes between cleanings. But it’s something that needs to be done often.

Because the fridge is the most-used appliance in your kitchen, it can be an overwhelming process to get it clean. First, focus on getting rid of all old and expired foods. Once the shelves are clean, give it a good scrub from top to bottom with warm, soapy water.

Those nasty old storage containers should be soaked in hot water. Once you’re done with that, put them in the dishwasher and have them go for an antibacterial wash.

2. Under the Couch

Vacuuming is one of the most daunting cleaning processes. It’s always a good idea to make sure you clean under all your big pieces of furniture.

Dust bunnies like to gather in the shadows. This can lead to an increased number of allergens.

Have someone help you lift the big pieces so you can reach under them with your vacuum cleaner. If you don’t have someone to help you, maybe consider hiring a cleaning crew that can do the big cleaning jobs around your home!

3. The Oven

So, you’ve noticed a slightly singed smell coming from your oven every time you turn it on.

Maybe you didn’t notice some batter overflowing your pans the last time you baked a birthday cake. Keeping your oven clean can seem daunting. Luckily with a few tricks, you can keep it from getting a little burned and crusty around the edges.

It’s always a good idea to clean the oven every few months. It’s also a good idea to do it before hosting a family or holiday dinner.

If you’re worried about putting chemicals in your oven, don’t. There are a few green cleaning methods that will work just as well.

4. The Vents

Have you noticed a lot of dust blowing about when you turn the heat on in your home?

Well, one of the most neglected parts of the cleaning process is the vents in your home. While vacuuming and going about your weekly cleaning regimen, simply focus a bit of your energy on the vents.

Running a dusting extension from your vacuum cleaner will get those vents dust and dirt free in no time!

5. Upholstery

It’s always a good idea to give your furniture a good scrub or deep clean, too.

Cleaning your couch upholstery can be done with an upholstery cleaner that you may be able to rent out. This penny-saver method will save you the trouble of finding storage for yet another appliance.

If you don’t relish the thought of getting in all the nooks and crannies of your pieces though, don’t be afraid to hire someone to do it for you.

Hate Deep Cleaning? Hire Someone to Help You Out

Deep cleaning is a daunting process that needs to be done every now and then. If you just don’t have the time to really do it justice, consider hiring a professional cleaning crew.

From green cleaning methods all the way to regular scheduled cleanings, our crew will keep your home shining and smelling nice. Contact us today!

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